
How we fix the system:

"Yet, 'The Bet' is the first episode of the series where its characters are simply allowed to be."

Black guy in the back!

Damn! I am amazed at both you and the show for that…

Pierce's loneliness
Having seen last weeks episode with Pierce watching the video of his dad casting someone else in that commercial coupled with the constant clues the show gives us of his fear of being kicked out of the group, and it's clear Pierce has some serious issues with abandonment/exclusion/loneliness. He

It's interesting because when I first saw that scene, I didn't think of PTSD at all. The moment I saw the pick up football game I thought shit was gonna get settled (per say). After all the crap that went down between these guys during the campaign, I had a feeling some of that rage was gonna come out. And when it

I just want to point out that it's utter bull that a upper twenty something guy (Evers), would work as a homicide detective. You have to work your way up the detective ladder. You might apply to be a detective and then start out in Vice, or Narcotics. Then move to robbery/burglary, then organized crime, violent crime

Nurse Natalie
Okay I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that nurse is with Wysocki. I don't know I just have a feeling that when the show has a character bring up something more than once such as Evers asking Wysocki if he was turned down or not, there is something to it. There would be no reason to show Evers

Best Line
I kinda hit that last night, so now she's all in my jock

Sorry Todd
It doesn't matter if your justified it. Comparing Community to Glee is an absolute insult to the highest degree. You will never get this back. How dare you.

Not one mention of the Predator gag! I can't believe it. It was so hilarious watching Barney do that "i want you know look" to the tune of the Predator's call. Frankly, I'm surprised HIMYM hadn't done that gag before considering it's pretty much the perfect allegory for Barney.

Apocalypse Now joke
Loved the subtle jab at Brando being overweight in the film (eat it, just eat it…)

Station Wagon
This episode was amazing. Instantly my favorite. The station wagon scene was pure gold!

Barney and Robin
This is probably bad to note but I'm far more interested in the Barney - Robin thing than I've ever been for any one of Ted's relationships. Maybe it's because it's such a delight to see Barney actually change from his playboy debonair bravado or because starting the pilot out with us knowing Robin

Make that the same year, whoops…

"The rocker is played by Jeremy Renner, an actor familiar to me from countless recent indie-film roles. He's got a quietly charismatic presence; and I wouldn't be surprised to see him catch a breakthrough part sometime in the next couple of years."

Wow, what a great journey the The Pacific was. This is the only TV show that I have ever watched where I purposefully spread out my viewings of the episodes (I started around Thanksgiving and finish today, Jan 28) to allow the material to sink in. I think the hardest scene to watch in the whole series, for