
I was so sure the Archie Bunker's Place entry was going to be the finale when he gets the chair.

Yeah the timeline doesn't make any fucking sense. Clean up this writing.

The first episode was crap. I remember listening to it while walking to a bus stop at 4 AM thinking "I'm never going to listen to another one of these" and then it somehow turned into a beautiful masterpiece.

Can we go over the band members again?

We named the horse Susan.

I full endorse all Clone High-related entertainment activities.

You put up the wrong picture of Monkey Ball. That's from Banana Blitz, the shitty Wii game, not the original. I DEMAND SATISFACTION FOR THIS INJUSTICE.

Fuck True Name Nemesis. Card is dumb. Fuck blue.

I always have a soft spot for WHM and their blue collar sharks.

That's why people steal rocks from his driveway. Because he wronged them.

Or Jonathan Levinson!

"It’s hard to watch “Homer The Vigilante” in 2013 without being reminded of the Trayvon Martin shooting, the Newtown massacre, and countless other eminently avoidable tragedies that occurred because of our nation’s irrepressible mania for guns."

You are correct. It is the children that are wrong.

I remember waking up at like 6 AM on a Sunday morning and watching this on TCM with my dad. Then I remember looking it up and seeing the female lead was the old lady in Bettlejuice.

Contrary to popular belief, Walking on Sunshine does NOT suck noodles.

Contrary to popular belief, Walking on Sunshine does NOT suck noodles.

It is very interesting to hear about Dave Meltzer's experience on the show, and how Vince McMahon had planted key witnesses in the sexual abuse trial in the audience who were going to speak up but never got a chance to.

It is very interesting to hear about Dave Meltzer's experience on the show, and how Vince McMahon had planted key witnesses in the sexual abuse trial in the audience who were going to speak up but never got a chance to.

Stuffy Doll, you are my best friend.

Stuffy Doll, you are my best friend.