
Pretty sure its Beatles 1 followed by No Strings Attached, Come Away With Me, and the Marshall Mathers LP. All 4 of those are around 10-11 million.

A douche

weesa freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

fuck off dbag

Co-produced by Billy Corgan

At the end of its run it was just called "The Event."

We did get THE ZOMBIE for one glorious week in 2006.

Mumford is more like a Coldplayesque thing.

I would rather have firsties than these stupidly small boxes.

IIRC, the writers put Kennedy there because they were afraid of losing their lesbian fanbase if Willow wasn't making stupid jokes about bumping clams in every episode.

based on your ass

Vickie is the best wrestling manager of the past decade. The best part was when she married Edge in storyline she still kept the Guerrero name.

Show me on Montana!

He had too many too scenes in the play episode so they're holding him back. I think the only people to get something in every episode are Blake and Lola.

Any 3D game between 94-98 that wasn't arcade-based will probably not look any good (some exceptions from the late PS1 era like Chrono Cross and FFIX are okay playing on a non-HD screen because of the prerendered background, but I still love playing Metal Gear Solid.

I think Bill meant that is was the first white guy with GRIT who plays for Boston to do that.

He's from South Carolina man. These colors don't run baby.

I think Albini was describing himself there.


The ticket in Last Action Hero was from Harry Houdini
did you even watch this movie