
Frisky Dingo NEEDS to be on a list like this. " Flowers for Nearl" and "The Debate, Part 1" are the greatest 20 minutes of television this side of The Simpsons.

To be fair, most AVClub readers haven't felt natural light in decades.

Matt L. Jones
God, that guy is just in everything now. Breaking Bad, Community, Captain Morgan commercials, now this.

Andy Barker P.I was twice the show Andy Richter Controls the Universe was with like a third of the episodes.

The end bit
"abandons all pretenses of aristocratic superiority and mixes it up with doo-wop group on the subway made me grin like an idiot, perhaps because it was a neat character moment beautifully played and not a stand-alone exercise in zaniness"

I always thought Maroon 5 was the French Phoenix.

Yeah, everyone knows Virtua Fighter is better.

Wait…is someone dissing THE BEAN VS. TANK ABBOTT here? What the hell wrong with you?

"3 buttons are back…who saw that coming?"

The posted milksteak recipe sounds delicious, if heart attack inducing. Who uses lard in this day and age? Vegetable shortening maybe, but lard?

You'll shoot yer eye out kid!

Snip snap indeed.

Yeah, I can never get used to Alexis' real accent. I have no clue where is comes from.