Butt Patterson

What if I'm planning on having NON-consensual sex with him afterwards?

Seriously, she looks like Brittany Murphy on her cokewhoriest day.

Also, it's made out of ginger beer, vodka, & lime juice, so why was it pink?

FAVORITE MEMORY: Just as the band struck up "Here Comes the Bride", I got a sudden & overpowering urge to belch. "Dad," I whispered urgently, "I have to burp!!"

I think the lesson we can all learn from this is, do coke, not heroin.

He's banana-facile
He's a fat waste of space!

what about…
David Bowie - Five Years, or Ziggy Stardust, or Young Americans, or Thursday's Child, or Ashes to Ashes, or…basically most of his catalog

Gwyneth Paltrow. You're American, bitch. Get over yourself.

Outside sucks! It's full of bugs.

Hey, I was that show!
Teen Tournament 1993, to be exact. Best of luck! It's fun on a bun, except for the part where you get so nervous before you go on that you eat part of a styrofoam cup.

I'm a geek…
I'm all about the random Futurama quotes. & I'm so geekatronic that some of the quotes are actually from the commentaries, not the episodes themselves.

I always thought the point was the saltiness of tomato juice or V8. I get crazy mad sodium cravings after a bender…