
Jon is the secret Targ and the Song of Ice and Fire is him and Daenerys keeping the inbreeding going

The number of GIFs spawned by it would've finally killed tumblr

Did Queen provide the soundtrack?

I'll let you know once I finish literally shaking with impotent rage and posting GIFs to tumblr

Good avatar/post combo

Suck it LA!

Can't wait for the next primer on fedoras, bloatees, and wall scrolls

How does Killing Joke not get a mention?

First collagen and now a #1 album!? Man is ther anything her dad won't buy her?

Insipid Melancholy would've been a better title IMO

It's much safer to stay on Tumblr and call everything "triggering" or "problematic"

So what if he's playing a guy in drag and not transgender? Or does getting your dick chopped off while fronting a bad punk band make you God-Emperor of Gender Bending?

Considering all the football blogging he does I don't think using a DOS machine is helping his focus much

SLC Post-Punk would've been a better idea IMO.

Oasis isn't very punk tho

I couldn't sit through it but the documentary about Troy Duffy was pretty great.

I had him pegged for more of a Hawkwind fan

that sweet sweet silicon valley sound

Yeah but at the end of the day it's still a bunch of autistic manchildren thinking they're doing something productive.

Well that batshit theory that because of all of the crossover episodes in TV a huge chunk of TV history was in the autistic kid's head makes it a lot trippier.