
"Stage Left" and "Camera Left" are not the same thing. The guy you are referring to was camera left, but stage right.

Oh my god I just realized I'm Soshanna

"Comment about gypsies" really hit home for me; back in college, I dated a Ukrainian exchange student, and I once mentioned gypsies in a conversation. Her and her Bulgarian friend proceeded to espouse to me all of the reasons why gypsies were horrible vagrants, undeserving of basic human respect. I was shocked, and a

"Comment about gypsies" really hit home for me; back in college, I dated a Ukrainian exchange student, and I once mentioned gypsies in a conversation. Her and her Bulgarian friend proceeded to espouse to me all of the reasons why gypsies were horrible vagrants, undeserving of basic human respect. I was shocked, and a

I was under the impression that they staged the kiss that way so they could do the reveal of Phil's dead-eyed surprised face, not because of any "no dudes" clause.

I was under the impression that they staged the kiss that way so they could do the reveal of Phil's dead-eyed surprised face, not because of any "no dudes" clause.

Everyone knows Observers can't attack anything. Besides, they've got active cloaking, how would we even see them?

Everyone knows Observers can't attack anything. Besides, they've got active cloaking, how would we even see them?

Seems like this might be the last brush.

Seems like this might be the last brush.

Yeah, I saw him an Scarlett Johansson hanging out together in NYC once. He's almost my height (5'11").

Yeah, I saw him an Scarlett Johansson hanging out together in NYC once. He's almost my height (5'11").

With a twitter handle like "@rambodonkeykong", I wouldn't be surprised.

With a twitter handle like "@rambodonkeykong", I wouldn't be surprised.

I watched the episode a few minutes ago, and an hour before, Sutter HIMSELF spoiled it for me on Twitter when he talked about the murder-suicide of the guy who played Half-Sack, and drew some ridiculous comparison to the death of Opie.

I watched the episode a few minutes ago, and an hour before, Sutter HIMSELF spoiled it for me on Twitter when he talked about the murder-suicide of the guy who played Half-Sack, and drew some ridiculous comparison to the death of Opie.

Did you see how many times those guys *continued* to bash Opie's head in after the "death blow"? He's lucky if he has any head left AT ALL, let alone enough to be in a coma.

Did you see how many times those guys *continued* to bash Opie's head in after the "death blow"? He's lucky if he has any head left AT ALL, let alone enough to be in a coma.

Incorrect usage of "nonplussed".

Incorrect usage of "nonplussed".