World Famous Demagogue

I'm contrarian! Worst grade imaginable: A—.

I don't get paid to do analysis
I thought it was interesting that Liz was not a central character in this episode. She was mostly reacting to things around her and getting mistaken for a transvestite. And getting directed into the East Wing. So, just a note. I feel rudderless without a giant block of text on the top

Or perhaps they have reached their nadir?

Ladies of the battered women's shelter: be quiet, a man is talking!

If I need a sans-serif, Helvetica. Serifs I use are Georgia or Cambria. The best typefaces are the ones named after places.

Fuck you, typefaces are serious business. Georgia 4 lyfe.

It's in a book…

"Ice to see you!"

*Ballin' synth solo*

All of life is an origin story that never ends and no one wants to hear.

Secret Racist
I really, really liked Joshua being revealed as a racist at the end, with the obligatory flashbacks.

I liked it better when it was called The Aeneid.

May your incendiary retrovirus metastasize and ignite spectacularly.

TV Guide
I would like to express my disappointment that TV Guide, a reputable journal of opinion, has stooped so low as to publish "attention grabbing, unsubstantiated supposition." This lack of integrity casts doubt even on the simplest TV listing. Can we trust them when they say that Community airs 8 PM EST, 7 PM

You already suffer from spontaneous acute dyslexia, poor thing.

My trusty Onion atlas contradicts the OP. I think I'll rely on the truth of the printed word over some internet commenter.

No thanks
I have no interest in sequels to Avatar, as Sigourney Weaver dies in the first one. Unless there's some ridiculous plot contrivance that resurrects her. And by ridiculous plot contrivance, I mean ridiculous for Avatar, a movie where non-consensual intercourse with flying banshee things is major plot point.


I only noticed the birth-giving scene at the end; I had no idea that there was a whole story behind it. Sincere thanks, Todd Dutch-guy's-name.