World Famous Demagogue

But, Helvetica!

There was also a Tantamount Studios title card at the end of the credits. I wonder if Maybe is still employed there.

The Alchemist
The Carpenters
Freelance Whales
The Police
The Postal Service
Sting & The Police

It was Jorgenson's fault!

Whoops, wrong content. I'll show myself out.

It was all a dream.

But who will report on the reporters who report on reporters?


Depleted the Ozone layer.

I wish I had never learned these terms as well.

You mean a "con-TRE-versy" on the "pitch."

"I don't think my father, the inventor of Toaster Strudel, would be too pleased to hear about this."

To be fair, it is exceedingly difficult to find Persian rugs with cherubic imagery.

Related Study
Researchers in another study found that people that cry "their goddam eyes out over phony stuff in the movies" are "mean bastards at heart" 90% of the time.

Creative famine
Way to rewarm a millenniums-old intellectual property, Hollywood. Surely the icebox of high brand recognition cannot be depleted already. I mean, microwave some 90s nostalgia first, it's relatively fresher.

You can't think of a slur for Koreans? You obviously have never seen Gran Torino.

Overact? Doesn't seem the type to do that. Underact, maybe, considering the words people use to describe her around here. Such as: vacant, vacuous, and vapid.

I wonder if it's written by the best writer in Hollywood, whoever that is.

M. Night is now trying to out-Corman the legendary Roger Corman.