World Famous Demagogue

Holy crap, I want that poster, Lincoln's Revenge.

"You wouldn't download drugs."

Halfway there
I read in one of the Worst-Case Scenario books that you can induce hallucination through sensory deprivation, using white noise and half a ping pong ball taped over each of your eyes. Apparently, with no environmental input, your brain will make up some messed up shit for you to imagine, or something

The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took the can, and when he had given thanks, he opened it and said, "This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me."

I support this new policy wholeheartedly.

We do not prove a point by pulling out our genitals and waving them at each other!

I wish you were in prison too, if that's any condolence.

Substantive Discussion This Point Forward
When can I buy Community DVDs? I want to give these people my money.

Mr. Phoenix should make like Mr. Dylan, and not be here. Or there for that matter.

Failed secondsies.

Call me when you're depressive.

Motion passes!

And inappropriate for our front-line combat troops to view to boot! Self-indulgent.


The Code
God, those portraits of those screenwriters up there really make me want to piss in their champagne.

Highly suspect!
Are we seriously supposed to believe that Haley Joel Osment's character retained his virginity throughout college? Even Michael Bluth got laid in college, with the minimum number of women, granted.

The singer/songwriter?

AV Club's just trying to be ahead of the Anti-Mel backlash curve with that review.

Is Whoopi Goldberg now worse than that blonde, conservative lady everyone here seems to hate? Amelie Gillette's departure has severely inhibited my awareness of The View.

Well, at least he didn't use Comic Sans. Apology accepted.