World Famous Demagogue

"You don't tell me what pizza to like!"

"You don't tell me what pizza to like!"

If Rashida Jones wants me to support KaBoom, then I support KaBoom.

Jack's dad lived to complete that biography? Nooo!

Jack's dad lived to complete that biography? Nooo!

Too bad he won't last long.

The Problem
The issue seems to be too many threads running through one 22 minute episodes. Things feel flat, uneven, and underdeveloped because there's just too much going on at once, at little return. Kenneth's volunteerism only serves Tracy's ability to antagonize Liz. Jenna's plot is abortive and shallow, as the

Best Part of the Episode
Pam: "Why don't you just sleep with all of our mothers!?"
[General outrage from staff]
Presumably Ryan: "Whoa, that's my mother you're talking about!"

Phone Tag
You neglected to mention Leslie's inventing of increasingly ridiculous premises to have a lawyer-free meeting with Andy.

"He's a menace to everything that flies! Yes, birds too."

Santa Maria!
That is one lovely photograph of Mindy Kaling that you've got up there. Also, I want a side salad. If it's on the top, I send it back.

You're playing right into his hands…
Middling review means that Jay Leno is right. And you don't want that, do y'all?

It made me feel ill.

"In Venezuela, we have the best patients. Because of jail."

All types of Michael
We even had childish Michael Scott tonight, asking for a snack from Pam's mom. Because you know, she's a mom.

Sex Scandal
I like how they went all in on the sex scandal. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing in a Brazilian cave.

Which makes Tom's wife a… Matt & Kim?

I was expecting a long, drawn out 12 Angry Men-esque ordeal. Luckily a smash cut took care of that, especially after Leslie was able to get one judge on her side.

Shout out to the Locomotive division of GE!

Best Part of the Episode
Ron Swanson throwing a cheeseburger at his face == comedy gold!