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    I really think the first part of book 7 where Callahan has a dramatic showdown using the turtle statue or something would've been a big fantastic ending for book 6, and would've made it more substantial.

    What the heck is this thing?! I'm watching clips and it's… eerily Ned-like

    There's a track on the new album called "Brohemian Rhapsody." That is not a typo.

    I actually just finished reading The Circle and while it can be super polemical, *SPOILER* there's a part near the end where Mercer suggests that these technologies weren't really a problem until they all become mandatory. He even says something like it's okay to track your own stuff. Although in all fairness, after

    Having just recently watched through Moonlighting, let me say that early fourth wall-breaking Willis was a revelation. He's infinitely more interesting than the stoic tough I'd known him as for so long.

    This is a great catch and joke and I want you to know I appreciate your username/avatar, if you're real.

    I love this video

    Never forget.

    Alright, I was already hyped enough about The End of the Tour, but now Dowd gave it an A-?! This movie can't come soon enough.

    Now's our chance to voice our opinion on the thrashing of beloved classic "ReBoot!" Remember when we got all riled up about that?

    These CalArts student films are the best. But my favorite from this year's batch has got to be "There's a Man in the Woods." This is heavy one. http://vimeo.com/93052696

    The anti-mascot thing is just one of those things that sounds SO good on paper and SO bad in practice.

    A piece about n+1? Two pieces about McSweeney's? Please tell me that the AV Club is about to tackle the biggest rivalry in literary magazine history. Who's side is everybody on? I go with McSweeney's.

    Don't be a dangus, watch this show

    Buy all our playsets and toys!

    As someone who donated to the Kickstarter for this movie over two years ago and has been waiting on the edge of his seat ever since, I thought I couldn't be more excited. Proven wrong.

    "The Belchers are going to make a commercial!"

    the network panicked about having The Neighbors in the post-Modern Family slot

    I finished More a few weeks ago and thought it was just as good. Coincidentally just started All today and I'm ridiculously excited.

    Well that ending doesn't sound very happy.