Mrs Gods Instant Pancakes

Hahaaaaaa, it's funny because it's racist.

I do not miss that gimmick.

Oh my god that story is awesome! Seriously, it's basically Starlin's spiritual sequel to his "1000 Clowns" Warlock story - a cosmic protagonist tossed into an absurd and hostile landscape overstuffed with wonderfully on-the-nose social metaphors.

That's a great story - and it's incredibly, incredibly disturbing, especially when the Spectre has essentially committed genocide and the response from his bosses in Heaven is to basically go, "meh." There are also some incredibly, incredibly creepy politics on display there, for what it's worth - the country he blows

The Ostrander/Mandrake run is fantastic. What was really brilliant about that run was that it really embraced how seriously disturbing the character is: he's an omnipotent angel of death who goes around torturing to death anyone he feels like, really only limited by his own personal sense of morality. With a setup and

Well, thanks for the early morning killjoy, Archmage.

That says "well-liked," but the show's ratings say "sorta-liked."

More of a fatter, lazier Wario, I think.

Because he can shrink and talk to ants! Come on! That's killer!


No one ever said racists had to make sense.

There IS a creepily reactionary current running through the song - all the good music is gone, and Satan rules, now that good ol' Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper are dead, and these young kids with their pot and their hippie hair and their scarier, different-sounding music! I mean, Don McLean is pining for the fifties

Civil War was both the best Marvel crossover of the last decade and absolutely terrible. When folks say "well, at least it wasn't as bad as all that shit with the Skrulls and the Sentry" … well, yes, that's technically accurate, but that's also a bit like saying that dog food tastes better than dog shit.

I like the idea but… there needs to be an actual reason for it beyond, "man, wouldn't it be cool if Dr. Strange teamed up with the Punisher?" Yes, it would be cool. And a team-up between Man-Thing and Elf With A Gun would be cool. And Doctor Doom playing Fin Fang Foom at Hungry Hungry Hippos for the fate of the earth

I don't know, they could replace it with something relatively harmless, like maybe an infomercial. Guy comes out, talks about blenders for half an hour. That'd beat SNL most weeks.

You take that back! Porthos CARRIED that series.

Once again, Kamau Bell is awesome.

Kamau Bell is awesome.

Conan used to write for that show. He talks about how he always wanted to do like one week where the Sniglets were things like "MURDER: the violent taking of another human life."

"The one that Banner is in control of," though, is one that I'm completely uninterested in - no more than I'm interested in reading the umpteen different versions of the Hulk that Marvel has tried to make in which the Hulk is basically a big green strong guy who has various random adventures (this time he's a big