Mrs Gods Instant Pancakes

I'm offended that people still watch SNL.

I've always thought this one was wildly underrated. Yeah, it's weird, yeah, the ending doesn't really make any sense, but I'll always appreciate that weirdness - coming as it did from the time when Marvel wasn't cranking out blockbusters every few months with formulaic regularity, and could leave major properties with

Somebody is paying for movies?

The NAACP is very bad at what they do.

I don't even think it's really the case that he misread the Hershey meeting so much as he was having a breakdown in the middle of it.

When you sit down and look at the mytharc, it's awfully tempting to imagine it all as the result of a couple hyperactive little kids playing with their action figures. "And then this goo comes out and turns my guy's aliens into YOUR guy's aliens! But then MY guy makes some OTHER goo that gets rid of YOUR guy's goo!

The thing about the X-Files mythology was that, as convoluted as everything about the conspiracy ended up being (due to its largely improvised nature, and due to that improvisation being driven largely by the need for a few cool/creepy moments here and there - let's have some black goop ooze into this dude's eyes! now

Some of the best works about Jesus have been produced by non-Christians. Monty Python's Brian and Pasolini's Marxist revolutionary Jesus, for example, are probably two of the best portrayals of Jesus on film.

Whoops! You just tripped and fell into my pair of manacles!

Dratch is hilarious and deserves some real success. That said, this show sounds kind of… not good.

Shrek was an inside job. WAKE UP SHEEPLE

I think this would be all the more reason to do it, actually. The Doctor is used to getting abducted and hauled off by various evil aliens and monsters on other planets - but what if he's traveling to, say, late eighteenth century America, and gets imprisoned by George Washington's estate just because of the color of

You start lettin' the companions pick their own names, you get everybody fightin' over who gets to be Frobisher. Doesn't work.

So, what, we're now going to be harping on women for being too thin, now? Is the window for acceptable body types for women going to shrink to cover like half a dress size, and everyone screeches at any woman who falls over or under that threshold like a pack of howler monkeys? Do we just think there aren't enough

I always thought that definition was bullshit. "Desire to exceed one's current limitations" doesn't speak to one's "consciousness," it speaks to one's ambition. There are plenty of people in the world who are more or less satisfied with their lot in life, or feel they can't do much to exceed it, or might be lazy, or

Those are all interesting questions - and honestly, they're questions that are raised by Data on TNG as well (what's to stop Starfleet from just replicating as many Datas as they want?) - but the various ethical and legal puzzles they represent don't indict Vic's status as an intelligent and self-aware being; they

"Sentience" as distinct from "intelligence" or "self-awareness" is kind of a silly and nonsensical idea that really only ever turns up in science fiction; some times I think it's just the genre fiction equivalent of saying "this has a soul!" The uncomfortable truth is that far more living things have far greater

The only way I can explain him in the Mirror Universe is by not watching that episode.

The most interesting thing about Bajor/the Bajoran religious stuff was always when we saw how it got political - when the old poet comes back through the wormhole and tries to reinstate the caste system, for instance, or when we see Winn conniving and backstabbing to get power. In those stories, the Bajoran religion