Mrs Gods Instant Pancakes

Oh, bullshit. Dropping the bomb had nothing to do with the Japanese - even Eisenhower and MacArthur, those notorious pacifists, later said there was no need to use it - and everything to do with the Russians. Japan had already offered to surrender prior to the dropping of the bombs, with the condition that the emperor

See, this is one of the things I really dislike about the show. Everything else about the show has been softened to ridiculous extremes, but the "people are idiots" thing is still there - even as Leslie and her co-workers have been dramatically transformed from the hapless bumblers of season one to idealistic

I don't know, man. I don't know. I don't know, I don't know. [repeats 12 times]

Didn't that TV series just turn into Mulholland Drive?

I was hoping this'd be about demon clowns. I like my David Lynch songs to be about demon clowns.

In short - Moore is simultaneously attempting to undercut the idea of the lone, impossibly badass avenging hero (V is kind of crazy! His ideal society is not an egalitarian democracy, but anarchic rape-filled chaos! He's a torturer who's cold and indifferent to human suffering!, etc.), while building it up to

The film version of V is indeed better than the book, but to be fair, the book is an absolute mess, and is only regarded as highly as it is because (1) the art is gorgeous, (2) it's by the writer of Watchmen, a much better book, (3) it came out around the time when "serious" mainstream comics were still something of a

Reprehensible, and also horribly written. "Hello, I am the female police officer who is also a recovering sex addict. I will be raped repeatedly later on, for at least an issue and a half. Let me talk for several pages, giving you exposition about this H.P. Lovecraft guy, under the assumption that the readers have

Alan Moore wrote Lost Girls because he likes rape, and wanted to write scenes of some of his favorite characters getting raped. It was rape fan-fic. He's a big, big fan of rape. This was easier for us to ignore earlier in his career, in the same way that it was easier to ignore that Frank Miller really, really likes

Bill Cosby: Not Quite Dead

But that's NOT how they're officially counted - the latest series is series 7, for example, not series 50.

You can't add NuWho's season count to Classic Who - they're totally different shows, with different styles, tones, producers, and philosophies behind them. You might as well add TNG to the original Star Trek and call them the same run, with a hiatus of a couple decades inbetween them.

I think we can all hear the whimper already.

NuWho's only been around since 2006. I'd say the Simpsons has already well outlasted it.

The whole point of the electoral college is to be undemocratic! Hell, the electors can vote for someone else if they want to. It's a system designed to provide a freebie from democracy.

Nah, the Nolan movies, while competently made, are ultimately failures to me, since for the most part they're so tirelessly self-serious. Aside from Ledger's performance in the second one, there's little sense of humor or playfulness in them, which sorely misreads the appeal of the character - sure, Batman is "dark,"

"Batman Returns" is fucking amazing. The perfect mix of dark and goofy, fantastic villain performances by Devito, Pfeiffer and Walken, and generally the best representation in film of my favorite take on Batman - namely, that he's a crazy person who spends his time fighting other crazy people.

There's nothing un-American about linking race with class.

I kind of doubt it at this point. His relationship with the character, as far as I can tell, is mediated by several levels of ghosts who end up doing the actual production work; Davis is basically upper management for a particularly bizarre media and branding company at this stage.

The Pope didn't get rid of Purgatory - just Limbo. Limbo is where the innocent but unbaptized dead go when they die; Purgatory is where pretty much anybody who's got any sins on the clock goes when they die, to sort of burn off that sin until they get to go to Heaven. Limbo was always a much more disturbing concept