Why is Madge dressed like the Hamburglar?
Why is Madge dressed like the Hamburglar?
Could Kristallvasenacht be far behind?!
"Don't mention the warts!"
It remains to be seen how this could affect Security of the First World.
Meat and You: Partners in Freedom
Actualization is a warm gun.
I listened to the audiobook too, or at least most of it, until I got sick of the narrator's "crazy" (drawling) and "refined lady" (Shakespearean) voices.
Annnnnnd scene!
"I sure hope he said 'peanuts'."
"When sore throat pain strikes!"
No, I'd say they're well written/translated. I've caught a few weird phrases that I suspect are the result of uncreative translators, but nothing so egregious that I can conjure up a specific example.
@Knuckleball: As a huge Parker/crime-fiction fan, I might humbly suggest the Martin Beck series by Sjowall and Wahloo. Set mostly in Stockholm, they have a similar intensity and disregard for sentiment, and if you like procedural stories you'll dig them.
Well, I'm convinced.
@ justpassingby: Remember, this is a Comedy Central roast. So the correct punchline is "Black and loaded with cream."
What's the saving throw against champagne spiked with rohypnol?
Seconded. I won't say he's not funny, because clearly many people, including a good many comics, really like what he does. But I just can't connect with him after a number of honest tries, and I sincerely don't get the appeal.
Oww! My OTHER foot!
Call me Mr. Fahrenheit!
"Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen, especially if I fall to my death from low-earth orbit. Or maybe "Uncontrollable Urge" by Devo.
"So that's, what, about 50 hours?" "120 hours?!"
"What are you, a wizard, a genius?!"