
Belief that things that are 'natural' are inherently superior, compelling anecdotes, correlation between autism diagnosis and vaccine schedule, collective amnesia of how dangerous vaccine-preventable diseases are, distrust of authority, and the mystery of autism. Paul Offit's book Autism's False Prophets has a lot of

Fuck her for using her pedestal to advance dangerous antivaccination beliefs and brain-dead homeopathic remedies. Disappointed in the AV Club for this interview.

Molly, listen to the thunder.

Not even that hot bologna factory can sustain her fiery passion.

I started eating some caprese salad, then a person slid out of a horse. The salad went into the fridge.

My animal brain loved that joke, and I await it's addition to the July schedule.

Fuck you, The Newsroom.

Get your beak wet!

This is going to be the first comedy series I buy since Flight of the Conchords. Is it crazy that I prefer this to Community?

Reader here, who loves everything about this thread. The GoT newbie boards are one of my favorite things on this site. Readers get to discuss crackpot theories and bullshit prophecies, while you guys discuss the show and all its intricacies. I almost regret reading.

She was one of the ladies who entertained Theon right before he got his dick got cut off.

Stop it. The King is dead, for Gods sake!

Awesome rendition of You Will Never Leave Harlan Alive. Maybe the best thing in the episode.

Am I the story of the Rhoynar in Valyria? No? Then, I must be King Kong.

Maybe get a new necklace, taste the blue stones, it'll be a great time.

She's a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick. Wait…

What an asshole Tom was being. It's like he felt the opportunity to get paid a huge amount of money was a waste of his time.

How I envy you, you limber-dick cocksucker.

Clearly, you are the king Raisanator, as their groupies are known. Your check is in the mail.

Did Clay remind anyone else of Dill from American Dad? Someone get him a cane and a mint julep.