@avclub-9079ea527e08a24dfad44e3302d5f091:disqus Yes, but anyone listening to that conversation would get the undeniable impression that he had been threatening and intimidating her for as long as she knew.
@avclub-9079ea527e08a24dfad44e3302d5f091:disqus Yes, but anyone listening to that conversation would get the undeniable impression that he had been threatening and intimidating her for as long as she knew.
Yup. As I said above, Jesse had a chance to get out forever, and just like Walt has done many times, he chose to stay for base reasons.
Jesse had a foot out the door, but he decided to stay. He's gotta go.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Mine was the sound Van Alden made after getting popped in the face. That was some great comic fight choreography.
@avclub-9ad2f925a32643f541b183503f33a8c6:disqus It's called calliope, I think.
Yes, Homie? Do do do da-do do do do do.
Ben Kingsley on the Sopranos. Faa-uuck. Or something like that.
Your uncle sounds awesome and must make holidays a real treat.
Early year release kills it.
Remember him being good in Saved!, but hadn't seen him since.
If Prisoners is 2.5 hours long, and the trailer seems to give away as much as it does, either things happen very fast or there are some insane turns in there.
If that ends up being good, JC Chandor might be my favorite young director. Super-talky Margin Call followed up by near silent All is Lost sounds interesting as hell.
I love Hitfix's In Contention blog at this time of year. It's the start of five months of Oscar talk. They wrote an article yesterday about the insane Best Actor race, favoring McConaughey and Ejiofor.
Would that this sandwich were a time sandwich!
It may take some time to get reacquainted with this Capone after seeing the Drunk History segment that painted him as syphilitic moron who didn't think of going to the doctor after pus started leaking from his dick.
"Don't forget the Newsroom!" - no one
Bring out the My-Husband-Is-Likely-Dead ham!
Michelle McLaren is the queen of building tension. If there's any justice in the world, she needs to follow Alan Taylor's career path.
Todd…did not look good firing that gun.