
Looking forward to a super-bleak week as I have the last few episodes of season 3 and then all of season 4 to rewatch.  No more half measures, StopHodoring.  Gotta power through.

There's the reference everyone was waiting for.

There's the reference everyone was waiting for.

I miss Ace and Gus talking each other to sleep.

I miss Ace and Gus talking each other to sleep.

I'm just finished a rewatch of season 2 tonight.  While it certainly doesn't turn into joy and sprinkles and Tinky-Winky and his gay handbag, take comfort in the fact that the last few episodes of that season are as bleak as it gets.  Those were meant to be watched once a week.  Oh, the crushing despair.

I'm just finished a rewatch of season 2 tonight.  While it certainly doesn't turn into joy and sprinkles and Tinky-Winky and his gay handbag, take comfort in the fact that the last few episodes of that season are as bleak as it gets.  Those were meant to be watched once a week.  Oh, the crushing despair.

To follow along with Sepinwall's and Feinberg's summer rewatch, I also watched the first two episodes of Buffy, and if all the critics I respect didn't rave about this show, I would not have made it past the first hour.  I'm going to trust that eventually, the show picks itself up from the disgusting, sticky floor

To follow along with Sepinwall's and Feinberg's summer rewatch, I also watched the first two episodes of Buffy, and if all the critics I respect didn't rave about this show, I would not have made it past the first hour.  I'm going to trust that eventually, the show picks itself up from the disgusting, sticky floor

How are you posting this?  Surely, it took intensive instruction, or else you would have done something unbelievably stupid.

How are you posting this?  Surely, it took intensive instruction, or else you would have done something unbelievably stupid.

Future bullshit coincidences this show will use to create drama:

Future bullshit coincidences this show will use to create drama:

I was flipping through channels recently and watched the end of Terminator 2, specifcally the last T1000 v. Arnold fight, in which Arnold gets impaled with a pole.  Blue lightning everywhere, the great signifier of bad 80's-early 90's special effects.

I was flipping through channels recently and watched the end of Terminator 2, specifcally the last T1000 v. Arnold fight, in which Arnold gets impaled with a pole.  Blue lightning everywhere, the great signifier of bad 80's-early 90's special effects.



Yeah, there really isn't a good place to discuss the Newsroom thanks to the very weird timing of the review on Friday.

Yeah, there really isn't a good place to discuss the Newsroom thanks to the very weird timing of the review on Friday.

Ratatouille is my favorite Pixar film, almost based entirely on the strength of: