
Agree. Once you remove the lens of nostalgia, "A New Hope" is average at best. Empire, widely regarded as the best of the series, is like a 7/10.

Disagree. While the male character is certainly trying to convince her to stay, there's no implication that she's ACTUALLY unwilling to do so, nor any that she does in the end. And there's certainly nothing sinister about the whole affair.

It was…. dull. Not bad, not good, but dull. And really long.

Not sure I buy the logic in the villain's overacting. If the idea is to contrast the Guardian's goofiness, you'd want the villains being as straight-laced as possible. They were just uniformly terrible.

They pretty much killed ALL of the Muslims.

I think they may have done themselves a disservice by having Mike "almost" die as a cliffhanger last episode. It leaves the door open for a miraculous gasp at the beginning of the next episode.

It's sitting at $50M worldwide thus far.

I've found watching Marvel films at home is a VERY different beast than a crowed theatre of fanboys. Age of Ultron was a boring mess of a film. HTe only redeeming thing in the entire film was the farmhouse scene with Hawkeye and his wife. Guardians didn't fate a lot better for me at home. The villains are terribly

If I have a nit to pick with Hamilton (and I think it's GREAT!), it would be those trite-eye roll inducing chorus singing the setting "1776 - New York City" -type moments. It just sounds so "beneath" the show.

Look, there are zero "rapey" lyrics. Any of that shit is modern people bringing their baggage to the song. "What's in this drink" refers to alcohol, straight up. And the lady in the song is 100% complicit in not wanting to leave.

I think you might be misunderstanding "Lady is a Tramp".

Does "enigmatic" mean "Boring as hell"?

I can respect that. My point stands, ATK kicks ass over rando Google searched recipes.

Yeah, but it only had about 40 minutes of interesting stuff.

I'd say you didn't miss much. It started STRONG,, middled weakly, and all but gave up toward the end. BY about mid-season, there was nothing new to add, and it was a lot of thumb twiddling.

Again, totally different result from the flat and the press. One is a flattened, smushed single piece of garlic, the other is "pressed","grated" whatever you want to call it.

Cutthroat Kitchen is invaluable for teaching Game Theory to my kids. It's a shame the chefs don't pay more attention, as they constantly make mistakes when assigning sabotages, etc. The biggest one in thinking the goal is to make the dish dish. It's not. It's to not make the worst.

America's Test Kitchen's cookbooks are easily the best cookbooks you can buy. Cover everything, every recipe works.

= 1 flat smushed piece of garlic, rather than the "grated" version the press produced. totally different beasts.

Also interesting that for all the praise it gets here, it's not selling all that well, and has dropped half it's "new" audience.