Except she sounds like the annoying girl that's always behind me at Starbuck's yapping into her phone with a lilty college upspeak. Why I should give a shit what she thinks is still beyond me.
Except she sounds like the annoying girl that's always behind me at Starbuck's yapping into her phone with a lilty college upspeak. Why I should give a shit what she thinks is still beyond me.
Nobody can take a punch to the face like Ben. He takes abuse like a Cuban welterweight.
Really? I like Linda a lot. No bullshit, honest, to the point. She's light years better than Iris.
And cuz, well, you know, he's smart to enough to know that's he's going to die quite soon.
"See Putin, Everyone's Coming Tonight, Relax, Enjoy"
I read that as "Elizabeth Banks". Still fits.
There's an awful lot of optimism for a franchise that's made 50% good films.
Hmmm, Lindelof's show is about people who disappeared, Cuse's is about people who return. Something is up here, best to consult my Swan map.
There was a horse on LOST, but it was not particularly cool.
SPOILERS: I don't see that happening. Negan would be most effective as a complete unknown, a force of power to be reckoned with that can't be reasoned with.
Could easily have them heading for a showdown when a larger threat appears, causing them to band together.
I was really hoping that the character would simply disappear, and no one would ever speak of him again. It would make the fanboys go mental.
Really thought Tina was going to react to the pressures of the book report by staying up all night reading the book.
So far, Phil seems to be the worst.
It's interesting to me that they chose to use a different actress for Phil's dream sequence in the first episode. Too early to say, but using Jones there might have made for an interesting twist (though she looks noting like Schaal.)
I don't know Daryl instead.
The second half of this episode was as great as the first half was dull.
Sigh. The first two seasons of this show had cleverly planned plots and long-cons and trickery. This season is filled with blindingly obvious ploys, and characters falling for everything under the sun. So disappointing.