
jumped the shark
I think this was the worst episode ever. I've been a longtime fan, but I just watched this online and I hope this was just a bump and not the beginning of the end. The actors all seemed to be playing parodies of their characters. It was all so empty and stupid and repetitive.

Didn't care for the ep overall, waiting for more Seinfeld. But I did like the shout out to the Seinfeld ep where Kramer sold his story to J. Peterman of ruining a pair of pants he was wearing while on his way to return them. I thought that was a great moment.

I don't think guys wearing shorts is disgusting. My only real dress code pet peeve is when women wear tshirts and sandals to work and try to pass that off as business casual.

I've seen the new Wells Fargo commercial touting their recent purchase of Wachovia, and it goes on and on about what great services they are going to be able to offer now and how strong they are, and I watch and wonder, where's our apology? You fuck our country and steal our money and we deserve something