Fist Fights

Not buying it until she wears a paper bag on her head with the words, "I'm not an actor", written on it.

I am selling 1000 dollar bags of G-13.

So do we get the acid from av club? Do we purchase the acid and send av club the receipt for reimbursement? Somebody help me out.

Little Known Hollywood Secret:

Dirty undies, dude. Laundry. The whites.

I like the trailer. Good Vibrations is alright  with me.

The "I was and I wasn't" line mirrors Charlie's line from "The Gang Sets Dee on Fire" episode when, "he did and he didn't" film Mac saving that choking dude.

@avclub-a452630477eb936fd36fc9a9542d4598:disqus What classics do you think the audience is looking for, though?
Do they just want him to drop one, "I'm Rick James, Bitch", just to acknowledge he's that guy? Or do they expect him to trot out Charlie Murphy, Cross Eyed Security Guard, Girls With Bad  Titties, and

And they'll deserve it. Holding back info on how good the cheese is will get you an ass whooping.

Shame. Not a single mention of drug abuse.

Oh yeah, that inescapable Kid Rock song from 2 summers ago or something.

The biggest similarity is probably the amount of coke snorted by Thicke and Gaye while recording their respective songs.

Jim Carrey's logic is so fucked off.

Hearing the, "I can't feel my bingo" joke in this movie's trailer was easily the lowest point of my year.