Bucky Fellini

Rat Fink is all I know of as well. They definitely have an Ennio Morricone vibe to some of their songs. Would definitely be a good band (no pun intended) to score a film - agreed!

Canada's best live band. They never disappoint. Go see them if you ever get the chance.

I tried excluding race from describing people for a while when I was younger (probably early twenties when staunchly positioned at peak idealism) and every single time I attempted to describe someone without mentioning their race, the first response I would get would be something like "oh, the black guy over there?"

That's too bad. It should end in 4 seasons so they can have a full deck: 4 stacks of 13 for a total of 52. I thought that would have been a clever way to size up a show called House of Cards. And to also not drag this thing out forever.

Oh God. A parsec is a unit of distance, not time. I am SO embarrassed for you myself right now.

Patrice really seemed taken aback by all the attacks he was getting. I think he was the last Roaster, and when he got up, he held up a piece of paper that had a bunch of prepared jokes he was going to use until he heard everything that was thrown his way. So he decided to go off the cuff and it was actually brilliant.

Have you considered a joke about bad red rope licorice circulating in the crowd instead?

If you want to do this for the AV Club someday, try revising it to look something like this:

They pulled off a "Nirvana Unplugged" with their covers of It's So Hard To Fall In Love and Brand New Love from Tossing Seeds. I actually prefer these versions to Sebadoh's (and Sebadoh is one of my favourite bands). Superchunk kicks ass, motherfuckers.

Agree with this for the most part. The interesting effect for me in regards to Dig is that, before seeing it, I was a Dandy Warhols fan and indifferent towards BJM. After watching it (and becoming more than midly irritated by Taylor-Taylor), I was a BJM fan and indifferent towards the Dandy's.

This post is extra awesome because Andy has made fun of Avenge Sevenfold directly.



At LeAsT hE dIdN't Do ThIs.

At LeAsT hE dIdN't Do ThIs.

Yeah, chicks love my Battles records. And I'm pretty much gang-raped at the mere mention of my 1973 Holland pressing of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. Did I mention it was pressed in Holland? I need a taser over here.

Yeah, chicks love my Battles records. And I'm pretty much gang-raped at the mere mention of my 1973 Holland pressing of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. Did I mention it was pressed in Holland? I need a taser over here.

Another vote for Coke Whore. Errrr, I mean Gold Dust Woman.

Another vote for Coke Whore. Errrr, I mean Gold Dust Woman.

"Wayne, you will run the backstage team.
Milton, you are my liaison between Wayne's backstage team and Garth's
front-stage team which includes myself in the booth. To the left and
right of the stage are machine-gun pillboxes, M-60 Browning. Now these
babies tend to heat up so shoot in 3 second bursts. In the event of