That's not the issue here. The issue is that it's been shoehorned into the show to make us hate her, and that her behavior in the first season showed a completely different attitude.
That's not the issue here. The issue is that it's been shoehorned into the show to make us hate her, and that her behavior in the first season showed a completely different attitude.
He could have committed a misdemeanor/crime if he had actually slept with her… Communicating with someone under 18 through use of interstate means (USPS, cell phone towers or ANY server used during the communication that is located outside of the state, which is usually most of them) in order to entice them to have…
C'mon, why'd you stop there?!
I think it's pretty true, however, that if you didn't watch GI Joe and only vaguely knew it through references, too many jokes fell flat.
(Source: me)
Yeah, as a Millennial I kinda got the jokes, but not having viewed what they were mocking kinda made 'em lose their punch.
He's found it now. He was insufferable through the first 9 episodes.
But she knows shit like that is going on. She should have at least asked Kendal about it to see if she could get him the hell outta Dodge.
He clearly wasn't looking for a shootout. He urged Danny not to throw away his life. When Raylan wants a shootout, he goes for more of a "come at me bro" attitude.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you typed that on a cellphone.
1. You can watch TV on your own schedule, ad-free, if you don't watch it on your TV. People are probably watching more TV if anything, just not on an actual TV set.
2. More channels. Total, across-the-board viewership hasn't…
Yeah, a bit of fridge logic there. Half-baked explanation… He tried not to, but failed OR he didn't know they were tearing up the containers until after he hit him OR he shot him accidentally when he fell to the floor, machine gun and all.
That's not nice.
Charges didn't proceed, judge cited the child's psychological well-being. He wasn't found anything.
That card is played so often because the "he's banging his daughter! Wake up, sheeple!" Card is played even more so.
I gotta say, I didn't like the first third of the season all that much. But this- this was fucking awesome.
"Hollywood grease in the court handlings"
… Both of them were Hollywood. Farrow was probably even better-connected, as she was a second-generation member of the Hollywood elite whilst Allen's parents were lower-middle class.
They are morally questionable, but they shouldn't be exaggerated either.
I was a bit snippy, sorry. I do think it's significantly different- attraction to a seventeen-year-old is natural and normal, attraction to a seven-year-old is sick and deviant. I'd say -completely made-up stat- most men in their golden years fantasize about a hot, physically-but-not-legally mature girl at least…
Your ignorance is evident when you claim they divorced. They were never married.…
According to this article, bone scans put Soon-Yi's age between 5 and 7 when she arrived in the US in 1977. Therefore, her age was anywhere between 19 and 22 at the time of the picture and you're wrong.
Or because ephebophilia and pedophilia are very different things.
It managed the difficulty of using Prince well rather nicely, but the whole "woah, we're at Prince's, coolest thing EVER!!!" thing really took over the episode, and overpowered the other subplots. Soft B for me.
Edit: I guess it kinda took its stunt casting of Prince and turned it into a stunt episode. Unfocused,…