The Last Honest Quaker


and a blaspheme

Yo! At the end in the Stew Room/Resort Hotel Tiffany was just sleeping. Hardly any stewing was going on.

OH NO! I see the Blue too!

Thanks. That's some cool natural shit.

Was that waterfall natural or man made? There was a minor debate at the friendship house and the final consensus was that it was made by man.

She might have been going for redemption. Who knows?

Loved Ron's flip out. Throwing things at the bus was icing on the cake.

The score for VI is fantastic.

Everyone looked really tired at the tasting (esp. Gail), and everyone looked positivity exhausted at the Judges table (esp. Tom). By the end I think everyone wanted to just get the day over with. I think the lack of energy really dragged the episode down.


Audio Cues
I hate the audio cues on this show and almost quit watching because of them. There are bells to signal a correct decision, a kind of skipped record/buzz sound to indicate a mistake, and a freaking gong to represent a major mistake. They are very distracting and make me feel like I should be watching

I agree, having a gate open at a specific time is terrible and unrewarding television, but the sign up sheets (like in this episode) work well. The teams in the lead are rewarded and keep their lead while the teams in the back stay there.

I appreciate bunching if it happens at the beginning of the leg, it evens the score and lets each leg be it's own race. The first season was (somewhat) boring due to the lack of bunching.

Yeh. Margie and Luke are the worst. I'm not surprised they've been brought back with Jen and whoever.

This show is too good to not be canceled.

The barbershop guy to Picard, "This is beautiful, what is this? Velvet?"

I agree Shell Face, I'm not used to the quick pacing. In The Wire it would have taken them an entire season to bring down the guilty cop, and Lester would have been involved. Still, this has potential……until it gets canceled in May.

The Shwarzenegger / DeVito thing was inspired. @namelesshero.

I don't sleep on planes because I don't want to get incepted.