The AV Club, where every TV series gets an A or B except for Saturday Night Live.
The AV Club, where every TV series gets an A or B except for Saturday Night Live.
This is funnier:…
Yeah, because the chord progression never changes, they just vary the rhythms and stomp the chorus pedal on the guitars occasionally.
"Say Vandelay! Say Vandelay!"
Actually, Ryan Seacrest introduced that song by saying "Performing Chris Cornell's version of Billie Jean, here's David Cook". Cook never claimed it was his own arrangement.
This is one of my favorite music videos. Great concept, great execution.
And may all your favorite streaming services stay together.
This is the most disappointing Penthouse Forum letter that I've ever read.
I'd prefer to see them in a WWE event.
"Watch me man up like nobody else,
I'm gonna man up all over myself…"
Still one of my all-time favorite Onion pieces:…
The addition of the cabasa was suggested by legendary producer Bruce Dickinson.
He was really in Washington D.C. the whole time.
His name is Annie's Boobs.
I want to know what she thinks about Nintendo bringing back the "Nintendo World Championships" this year, i.e.for the first time since she starred in "The Wizard".
The coroner's preliminary report said, "Mr. King is not only merely dead, he's really most sincerely dead".
True, and also frequent guest and former Baltimore Colt Art Donovan.
Meg was featured in a HuffPo article this week:
Very cool to see so many of the best bits from the NBC days. Meg From Across the Street!
I can't upvote this enough.