Otto Parts


I'll have him fighting wabid, wild animals within a week!

"Gunga, galunga, gunga, gunga lalunga"-Dalai Lama

Aw, man, what a pisser. I loved him in Out of Sight. Great movie, and he was great in it. RIP, sir.

Hit! You sank my guilty verdict :(

Red 3 standing by?

Ima beat the shit outta you with Charles!

"Since I Don't Have You" would disagree with that @avclub-96f15daceb6669363fbf7f762ed57703:disqus

I'll see your Captain Jack and raise you "It's Still Rock n' Roll to Me".

Play Downeaster Alexa! (1989-it makes the cut…barely, for the Catalina Wine Mixer)

Is that a Nazi Shark?!?!? Don't think you can get much more evil than that. His name's probably Joffrey Hitler.

While listening to Cat Stephens & ogling pictures of Kat Dennings.

Yep, just wanted it to be known that I find that "Be Kind, Rewind" is a terrible movie. Now that that's out of the way, how about that "Man of Steel"…

"Crest toothpaste…tastes better than warm, muddy urine." Don Draper himself, could not top that.

No monkeys? No Sheriff Lobo or truck driving misadventures? This show is bullshit.

"Unpleasant"? I'm taking it you didn't see "Be Kind, Rewind"

He would've held up considerably longer, had they used scotch instead of actual water.

Did he rip-off a poster's gimmick on the AV Club? If so, then Guantanamo is too good for him.

Eh, it's not that bad. He could be forced to watch "Be Kind, Rewind"

I remember that America was at its best when Teddy Roosevelt was president. That guy busted trusts, wrestled foreign dignitaries in the White House basement, fucked mountain lions & shit. He even built a time machine while living on the frontier & went back & drank beer with Jesus. His Vice President was Geronimo