Otto Parts

All this hate towards Nemesis and Insurrection, but nobody mentions Generations?!?  THAT was the BIGGEST piece of shit in the entire franchise!!!  Terrible plot device, the "villain" was abaout as threatening as a tribble, and Captain Kirk, baddest motherfucker in Star Fleet is killed by a goddamn rock!!!  Worst. Trek

Mason "The Line" Dixon approves.

He defeated the Commies!  Twice!

I'm still waiting to see the TV movie where Lee Majors saves Christmas.  That promo was AWESOME!

I want to kiss you on the veranda.

Let me tell you what Like a Virgin is about.  It's all about this cooze, who's a regular fuck machine.  We're talking morning, noon, and night dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick.

Listening to Wonderful Christmas Time makes me want to bash Paul McCartney over the head with a prosthetic leg repeatedly.

Grace Under FIre?  More like Grace Under Highway Overpass, Living in a Cardboard Refrigerator Box!

Chris Tucker is the 1%!

In bigger news, Chris Tucker has a private jet?  I want to hire that guy's financial planner & accountant. 

Or the time Pinky Tuscadero blasted the neighbor's car with a shotgun.

Jamie Farr and Alan Alda

Read it in your best William Shatner voice.  That, makes everything, better.

Got it!  Also, how's the rabies?

Oh, I bet I'll call you "Chris" again…

You picked a helluva week to watch a sports show.  Too bad there's absolutely nothing going on that's worth reporting.-Sincerely, Joe Paterno and the administration at Penn State

Just checked the status, Abe Vigoda: not dead

No, sadly he was killed by some limey bastard with an inflatable shark-killing bullet.

Lipshitz, huh?  That had to be fun in junior high.

Yeah, we are kind of weak, in that we don't kill referees or chuck lit road flares & bags of urine at our sporting events.