
Sad to Admit…
Considering the paramedics don't take Joey Greco's jacket or shirt off after the 'stabbing', and they let a cameraman ride in the ambulance, there might have been some slight clues to the fakery.

I am more than happy to be the 99th person in this thread to point out how brilliant this guy is live. can't be said enough

Old Skool Goo fan
If anybody is familiar with Buffalo's mid 1990's music scene (and who isn't?) The Goo Goo Dolls didn't start out as your Mom's favorite band. I don't know exactly, but everyone from Buffalo that was a pre-record label fan of them kept saying 'their next record's going to be more true to their real

the lowest form of comedy
somebody wise once said that the lowest form of comedy is making people laugh. This is a great example, I saw there awestruck more than anything that this film got made.

It is Brilliant!
This is obviously the movie Tom Green had been planning to make since seventh grade, and kept it pretty true to the original version.

Lay off Stan Lee
I am surprised by the reaction to "Who Wants to be a Superhero" as it is so firmly in the 'So bad its good' zone for me. It is the spiritual successor of the 1970's 'celebrity' roast "Challenge of the Superheroes"

Mickey's Honorable Mention
I would think Mickey Mouse's week long series of strips (from the 1930's I think) when he attempts all manner of suicide over Minnie leaving him would be worth an honorable mention.

Greatest Kidd Video Segment Ever Sorry to interrupt the music discussion, but I did want to mention the greatest Kidd Video segment ever, especially because it also pertains to the 'women drivers' question in terms of a societal attitude change.