
I used to post here but I started to care so little for this show I once loved so I've been sort of checking in here but not commenting. I did want to respond to this because I agree.


"The biggest criticism I can level against SoA is that I can't understand why Tara doesn't see that the MC is nearly clear of guns and that Jax has nearly accomplished his goal."

That's the first time I can remember Tara/Siff giving a real, natural smile on the show maybe forever. She's always been so full of angst, especially the last few seasons.

I hope we don't go more than one episode or two where Jax is accused of their deaths. That thought already frustrates me.

Now see - not that I feel sorry for her - but she's now (mistakingly) because of her rage done the one thing that will truly hurt and destroy her son, the very person she professes to care about the most. You could see what a wreck she was in her final scene.

KW, I liked Tara and agree that she was someone to root for, but I also thought it was important that she die because this was the ultimate punishment for Jax's sins these last couple of seasons and it was important (at least to me) that the show not end up with Jax and Tara riding off into the sunset with their boys

I agree with the first part. I also think that Gemma and Unser had no idea where Tara was and certainly did not expect her to show up at Jax's house. That's the only way I can rationalize Unser's behavior - that we, the audience obviously knew more than they did.

That's my take on it as well. Throughout the series she's rushed over to Jax's house to clean up (laundry, dishes, etc) and I think that's comforting busy-work for her. I think she just needed to do "something" and go somewhere.

I agree about the conversations. I actually like the quiet moments where the characters interact because it gives us some insight as to who they are and possibly what's going to happen. And of course it humanizes them - something this show has a hard time doing because the characters are so often just plot devices.

But she couldn't have known Tara would be there - in fact Tara should've been anywhere else BUT Jax's house. Unless I'm missing something (which is entirely possible.) Which means there's no real explanation of why Gemma rushed off there.

But how was Gemma to know that Tara would be at Jax's house? Didn't she think she was off making a deal with the D.A? That's why I buy that Gemma and Tara were both surprised to see each other.

That dove deserves an Emmy. I totally bought that he was run over.

And he was writing it all on that itty bitty little pad, and he didn't even have to turn the page. Jax must have excellent penmanship.

Yes, my biggest gripe with the show is the way the writers manipulate the characters personalities and motivations to satisfy the plot twists and turns. That's why I kind of laugh when people (me included) try to predict what's going to happen next based on what a character has done or said before because it doesn't

I wonder if she is around to get well and take care of the kids next season.

See I think that's kind of the point - he has to find his own moral compass.

Well, l had a little different take on this and thought this finale was a mixed bag for sure.

"Jax's ultimate failure will be if the boys grow up to be him."

That would be quite a different "Happy Days."