
Yes, I don't understand how anyone thinks Jax can personally kill her, no matter his rage. If she dies it's by another means.

I think Jax's redemption is possible through his son(s).

Yes, you're going to have to do a lot of mental gymnastics if you still try to apply Hamlet to this show. That's over.

I think Tara would be (physically) saved by witness protection but she clearly doesn't want to put the club and Jax in prison for the rest of their lives.

I knew that lie was going to come back to bite him. I thought Nero made it clear at that time their partnership/friendship/trust depended on him telling him the truth to that question and he looked him square in the eye and lied.

I think a big part of the way I'm going to rate the season is going to be dependent on the finale - I need something big to happen in terms of Tara. If they just end it with her coming back (whether by choice or not) and her staying with the club I'll be disappointed.

No, just a break. I think there's 2 more to go.

Yeah the only thing that Jax doesn't know is that his mother okayed it.

I had my close captioning on - she said "a few months", if that makes any difference.

This episode really intrigued me because I really don't know how Sutter is going to eventually rehabilitate Jax and have him not pay for his crimes with a long prison sentence or his life - and I am assuming he's going to try to do that. I'm not talking about shooting Clay or the Irish but more about the deputy

There actually was a short while after the start. But it was done so well it didn't stick out and hit you over the head like it usually does.

I agree with you about Tara and I think her taking the bullet out and looking at it was her deciding not to go ahead. Many many moons ago I predicted that Tara and the kids would have to leave Charming so that Jax could get his shit together and then they would reunite, but now I just don't know if that's going to

Good episode and wow lots of major stuff happened. I was sorry that Galan got such a swift death - he didn't even get to see what was going to happen like Clay. All this time invested in hating Galan and he's gone without us seeing him suffer.

I laughed at that part as well. Also when the DA said to Roosevelt not to follow Tara because that would endanger her. Okaaaaay.

Can't believe I'm saying it but the Tara stuff is what interests me most right now. Maggie Siff is just amazing in every scene she's in and her scenes are as good as TV drama gets. I haven't said that about this show in a long time.

I think the crazy biggest bad this season is Galen. And shooting the Chinese guy made no sense other than to show that he is the crazy big bad villain that is ten times worse than SOA so we can now happily and without guilt root for our boys.

Well, she did run over his bike and then talk crap to him in the hospital waiting room…

Good episode; it's the first of the extended time ones I thought was justified and I wasn't once bored. I did roll my eyes at the Clay stuff - I agree with the reviewer when he said just when everything and everyone and every situation seemed credible they had to muck it up with that. Sutter really seems to like

KW, now see, I could see him cheating on Tara the way that happened - but I can't see his not intervening to help her in her criminal case and that's what seems way out of character for him.

But don't you think our sympathizing with Tara feels so manipulative at this point? Jax always goes roaring off aggressively trying to solve problems, yet Tara is looking at substantial time in prison and all Jax can muster this season is "Oh babe, they won't convict you." Really, thanks babe, now go solve other's