
So, for the first time last night, I was distracted and a little bored during this episode. Seriously, I wish I could explain why because there sure is a lot going on. I'm feeling a little like Juice.

Any document signed under fraud = no good. So what was the point? All Jax has to do to nullify it is say he was tricked into signing it (and he was.)

I realize the writers on this show will change a characters personality and motivation to accommodate the plot, but this whole Tara thing feels wrong-headed. She's supposed to be smart and I really liked the idea of her pulling a long con and getting those kids away from Charming, but not in this convoluted, stupid

Mmm, it was clear that Jax was taking Alice's little speech as one that could be directed at him but I disagree with you about her shooting being more than justified. You know we've all been watching this show too long when we think it's okay to just shoot someone in the head like that, lol.

Margaret started caring for Tara early on, I think during the time they were kidnapped if not before with the excuse being that she identifies with her because they share a similar background. I think we're supposed to believe she'd do anything to help Tara and that's what's happening now.

I give it a meh minus. Don't have any empathy nor sympathy for any of the main players anymore. At this point I'd just like to hear how the whole thing is going to end and call it a day.

I am guessing they had to do a hundred takes of that scene because they both kept cracking up. You could see them both start to lose it at the end.

I need brain bleach.

If so, then Clay is such a romantic. Nothing says I love you more than forcing your ex to have sex with you in front of 2 perverts jacking off to you in a jail cell.

I'm not at hate-watching but more just don't care that much. And I used to care a lot.