
I think you couldn't be more wrong.

Ahhh that would be the crucial element that was missing - as it was I got annoyed and my attention was drawn elsewhere momentarily.  Still overall a better than average SNL.

I think I'm of the group that just doesn't get the joke.  I think the lines were delivered well and it was goofy and all ~ but since I must miss the premise it falls flat.

Baba Booey Baba Booey Bab Booey!

I think you're reading this wrong - there is more than one asshole in the story.

I liked him in "i, Robot" when he played "guy who mouths off at robot then gets shit knocked out of him".  Kind of the same thing here.

I thought this was an open audition for HBO's "Girls"!

I'm still trying to figure out how you could be running the crime syndicate in Chicago while you were writing poetry and schtupping the ministers wife in Edwardian England masquarding as a Scottish fishermans son.

I was waiting for this backlash from the moment I saw the commercial.  I just thought it would come from PETA. 

These commercials always make we think "If you need to record 5 shows at once then maybe you are watching too much TV."   Personally there aren't 5 shows on TV that I feel are worth recording.  That's just me.

C'mon - we already have these pitchforks & torches and the mob has assembled.

The thing I remember most about this movie was the brutal scrub down they would do on people who were contaminated (allegedly) at the plant.  They would strip the person down and drag them into a shower and scrub them raw with stiff brushes.  I still can't recall why a a bunch of teenagers wanted to go see this movie

What's the "O." for?

James Cromwell will always = Strech Cunningham in my eyes.

Oh - right!  My mistake.

I was born and raised in the Binghamton, NY area and I just wanted to point out that references to the area are plentiful in seasons 1 & 2.  Serling's attachment to the Binghamton was obvious right down to the name of his production company, Cayuga.  I like watch these old eps with the kids and point them out.

Canceraids? or something?  Clearly we are both lost here.

Definitely has a Human Centipede vibe to it.

I dunno - I can listen to while I'm on a long run - then again I'm in pain when I do that anyway so what's the diff?

"But he get's results, dammit!"