
This is true. We are.

At last. "The Dancing Ito's" can come back to late night TV.

I too am annoyed with the shitty voice over on that commercial. I now hate Milky Way bars because there was shitty sound editing on the commercial.

I cannot understand the fixation AVC has with all things Trump. Even the links in the seemingly unTrump articles lead to a host of Trump videos. Are you getting paid by the Trump reference? Sometimes (most times) less Trump is better.

Opie Wan Kenoberry R.F.D.

THANK you! I've said it before AV Club has turned into Huffpo.

I can't wait for 2049 for this to come out! I'm going to be so stoked for this!!

Sounds terrible. No audio on my playback except for "Rocket are you there?" then nothing.

Same. Watched it twice for that reason.

Are any of them peeing fire?

Must all AVClub articles be snarky and overly critical? Theres nothing wrong with this image. Unless you are a 13 year old looking to get your friends to snicker at your inappropriate potty humor.

Jesus this site has turned into the HuffPo.

Hm. Everyone looks human.


Act 1, Scene 1 - "Now keep in mind, I'm not a licensed physician."

I would say B+ for the episode, D- for the table top. Couldn't the prop guy give it a quick wipe down at least?

I'm going to give you the FROWNING of a lifetime!

We are AV Club and we loooove anything that is French with subtitles. #C'est la vie!

Make it "The Last Wigger" and Tom Hanks rapper son can be the star.

Interstellar was good in 5D. But you had to see it at a Singulariplex.