
Correction, every single Itchy and Scratchy cartoon so far.

Mongo like candy.

Thats a Vin Diesel movie we are all crying over.

I once saw an ep where he picked up a rotting carcass of some long dead animal, picked away the rotting flesh and started eating it…on the spot.  All while standing next to a lake presumably full of fish!  Now I'm no "survivalist" but even I know you would be better off netting/catching some fresh fish for sustanence

That's what she said…no wait

I wonder if he gets draw and quartered at the end of each episode.

Unless they have their periods.


Does he fight crime? Oh I hope he fights crime, too!

I'm sorry did I break your concentration?

She was probably on her period.

I also laughed at a couple of his jokes.  I liked his turn to the camera after the giant intro of the musical score book and sort of shrugged "Eh."

Hey! Did you guys know there is an ONION STORE!  Check it out!


U.S.A!  U.S.A!  U.S.A!

Great picture.

What me worry?

He's an asshole.

Damn your confounding hobbit-logic!

I think you mean Euthanasia.