
I'm pretty sure this is the same list. I thought it was a book exclusive!

I think art is more important than politics, though. You can't blacklist the artist just because they're a shitty person. I have to deal with people I don't agree with every day. My boss believes some crazy shit.

Pickles: "… to know the punchline of every joke, hours in advance."Fry:
"Like watching Leno!"

It doesn't seem like it has taken into account the majority of how comedians are making money, and it is certainly biased against anyone that doesn't charge 80 dollars for a ticket.

I'm pretty conflicted though, because I honestly do believe he's a great writer, and that in many cases his writing and his personal views seem to be at odds. It seems like he would recant a bit on this issue and show some personal growth if he wasn't so damned stubborn about being on the wrong side of history.

I would expect some backpeddling on the issue if he wasn't so stubborn. I mean, he knows he's on the losing side of this argument, and ultimately the history of human rights, and he's a pretty smart guy, but this is the one issue he's caught being really adamant about.

From an evolutionary stand-point, we should expect viruses, such as HIV, to become less deadly, as opposed to medication resistant. A virus that kills its host is inefficient and eventually an evolutionary dead-end. A virus needs to spread.