
Where's Kate Bush when you need her?

Para-Para- oh just fuck off.



The Killer Inside Me.

"cooler than thou equivocating"   Steady on.

A blue pyramid turns a wannabe actress into a big lesbian. Simple.

Zen was the best thing the Beeb had done in ages.A rare example of the telly-series being as good as the books.

This show is rubbish. I can't believe the BBC dropped the fantastic Aurelio Zen series in favour of this childish nonsense.

The voice of reason. Idi speaks sense.

Noel namecheck's my brother's dog in Supersonic. Fact.

The Byrds "Twelve point eight kilometers high"

Well I hope they don't leave out Ritchie Blackmore or they'll have me to answer to.
And that goes for that Pina Colada song too.

First two albums still sound fantastic. And Labour of Love 1.

Oh, is it suitable to take my mum? She's 74.

I'd have paid good money to see six giant centipedes sewn together. Imagine that. With a chicken's head.

Shadow and Cut Chemist, one of the worst gigs I've ever attended. We were there to dance you pair of self-important planks. Instead we got a 90 minute self-indulgent twat-fest. It was 10 years ago and look, I'm still shaking with anger.

Sounds like business as usual at Mazzy Towers. And thats a good thing.

A centipede by definition has at least 100 "legs" So how can this be a human centipede?!

Dreary, dreary, dreary.