Very true. I would shed a tear. But I'd rather Survivor go on with a new host than have it die with Probst's departure. And anything to get Jonathan Penner back on my TV screen …
Very true. I would shed a tear. But I'd rather Survivor go on with a new host than have it die with Probst's departure. And anything to get Jonathan Penner back on my TV screen …
If Albert and Sophie want Brandon out, they can team up with Rick next week and vote him out. Rick is the likely boot after Edna so he'll be happy to scramble and save his ass. The only hitch is if Coach gives his HII to Brandon, but come on, that'll cost him jury votes.
I felt really bad for Edna. She knew she was going to lose but had to keep playing to see it through to the end. It's like when you're playing Monopoly and your opponent has all the monopolies and you keep playing until the bitter end …
I don't think Albert or Sophie have said a word at Tribal about the honor and integrity stuff. Neither of them seem to be buying into it. They can just argue that they went with the flow because they didn't want to get voted out, and distance themselves from Coach at Final Tribal. Basically, do what Parvati in H v. V…
I don't think any of the Upolu would give Ozzy their jury vote just because of a family visit. They might give Ozzy a jury vote if he's up against Coach and Brandon because they feel betrayed, but if they still love Coach they'll give it to Coach. I agree that Ozzy probably considered who would still be left in the…
You weren't alone. That would have been epic. That alone would have redeemed this entire stupid Redemption Island gimmick.
So Redemption Island enables the psychopath strategy: Be so crazy that no one dares betray you, since you might just come back and hack them to death.
I completely agree. I think we've seen many times that "I deserve to be here" scrambling is not nearly as effective as "I can help you" scrambling. Edna tried to make the same argument as Cochran did last week and it got her nothing. The problem is that she doesn't really have anything that could help Albert and…