
The same actress in season 1 played a great character who was handled really well. Unfortunately, she didn't last very long…

Definitely the two most outstanding tracks, but I also love Sinead O'Connor's "Jump in the River." As well, as the Tom Tom Club track. The whole thing is really the best compilation soundtrack outside of Quentin Tarantino's work.

There's no way anyone ever would think Fragments of Time is a country song. I would bet a medium amount of money that he's referring to Touch, with it's honky-tonk piano.

Veep is doing an amazing job at portraying contemporary U.S. politics. All the matters is surface and media approval and no one can (or wants to) get anything done.

I like Family Tree, but you're in for a rough time if you're expecting a high per-capita laugh rate.

Have you ever considered the possibility that you are colorblind? Or that you watched the film on a black-and-white tv? I'm just asking questions.

Yup. That show is the tops.

Pistols at dawn?

Louis C.K. and Woody Allen? That's an amazing combo! Think of how funny that movie would be! The only thing that could be better is Woody Allen and Larry David! That would be HILARIOUS!!!!!

Stewie isn't a goldfish. Stewie is an alien. Meg's the goldfish. Brian is Hailey. Chris is Steve.

This movie is incredible, and this write up does not do it any justice. If you are a fan of giallo, seek it out. It takes all of the themes/elements we associate with the genre (the sexuality, violence, voyeurism/exhibitionism…) and places a feminist context onto it. The second section is a masterpiece of the gaze and