Officer of Hearts

Check out Henrik Ibsen's sideburns. Beastly.

"the simple truth is an original work will always reign supreme over something that was merely adapted"

gifted ashley judd = Helen

Love with no beginning/end = Peter and Vandy

post-9/11 = Motherhood

elegy of out time = The Messenger

lyme disease outbreak = Lymelife

Lyme disease outbreak = Lymelife

Pfffft Clara Bow. It's all about Louise Brooks.

Easily the best movie of 2008.

Comes out in April. The 2009 movie I'm most excited about.

To paraphrase Roger Ebert, "It doesn't matter what a movie is about, but how it is about it." Man on Wire is great, now matter how you feel about tight rope walking.

Irreversible also features a romantic relationship as a main component.

That's kind of condescending wouldn't you say? Eternal Sunshine is a chick flick because a woman enjoyed it, implying that women aren't smart enough to just enjoy a plain ol' good movie? Charlie Kaufman doesn't write chick flicks.

Yeah, but by of 2010 4 of the 5 commissioners will have been appointed by Obama. I think the FCC will be cleaned up soon, but maybe I'm wrong.

Ok I'm not completely right on this. The President appoint commissioners once their term ends. He's already appointed one and three others have their term end in 2009, so the FCC most likely won't be so uptight in the coming years.

Obama appoints the head of the FCC. The FCC isn't just some rogue conservative organization.

Obama appoints the head of the FCC. The FCC isn't just some rogue conservative organization.

I think we can be sure that the FCC won't be so ridiculous under Obama.

Lars and the Real Girl is not a chick flick and not even really a comedy for the most part. What it is though is a great movie. Ryan Gosling is an amazing actor.