Ask Mr. Science

I think MBI was the guy involved in the following exchange at the post-screening Q&A for MNIB I was at.

@JVS- Yeah, nobody does European accents like Bruce. Spidey 3 immediately springs to mind ("Of cawrse! I am Franch!"), but I recall him doing accents when going "undercover" in various episodes of Brisco, Xena et al, and it always delighted me to no end.


Who's the biggest, the meanest, the BADDEST mo-fo low down in this town?

@Bucky Calloway- Try more like 25 years ago. Keep in mind, Bruce turned 50 last year. Besides, it's the "comic-book hero looks" that would've made him a lousy Spider Man, even when he was the right age. Peter Parker was conceived as an awkward-yet-brilliant everyteen. He's never been drawn as a square-jawed matinee

"Alternative comedy" means basically the same thing as "alternative rock."

Ever seen Martin & Orloff? it was written by and stars two of the guys from the Upright Citizen's Brigade. Jon Benjamin is fucking hilarious as Keith, one of Dr. Orloff's (Matt Walsh) psychiatric patients.

"…but maybe, just maybe my guys can pull it off. Yeah, and maybe I'm a Chinese fighter pilot."

@Eddard Stark- Pete Hutter still ranks as one of the great TV bad guys.

BC Trivia Time!


@mrs. izzard- I second that. I can see it all: The tight close-up on Caruso's pale, waxy face, the aviators, the smash-cut to the Miami skyline…

The new Pink Panther could've been worse. It was Mike Meyer's dream project for years. Fortunately, he was too busy recycling jokes he wrote for SNL in 1992 for that script he changes the title of and remakes every few years.

@MPBC: Hey, now, let's not lump Shemp in with those second-rate nothings. To be sure, the man was no Curly, but at least he was a Howard, not to mention that he was originally part of the vaudeville act. Curly joined after Shemp quit. Not surprisingly, their carres took off shortly their after. Shemp was just so

@Doctor Fan: "Son of…"? The one with Roberto Begnini from the early-90s? You have GOT to be shitting me, Pvt. Pyle. Still, I have to agree with the monkey- er, I mean minkey scene.

I'd love to see some of the Boston bands of my youth reunite. Sam Black Church, Honkeyball, Slughog, Scissorfight, Tree… good clean fun. But I actually got to see all those guys, so my dream reunion (still living) would be Kyuss, with Brant Bjork and Alfredo Hernandez trading off on the drums and Nick Oliveri and

**Owen Wilson walks out.**

At least a couple thousand, and that's just the cost of the shot he actually ruined. Resenting the shot eats up time, which, unlike at our day jobs, actually costs money. It's expensive to have grips, sound guys, actors, etc. sitting around for an hour or two while cameras, lights, etc. get moved back into place, and

Rowsdower- That's a stupid name, isn't it?