
Your response to my response to your response made me smile a lot. So thank you. The internet is full of bullshit comments (see: Youtube, IMDB), and generally speaking the AV Club is smarter and much more (intentionally) hilarious- I could spend all day reading them. So, despite your claims of assholishness, you make

I feel as though it would be irresponsible for me to not respond to your meticulously crafted and somewhat beautiful response:

I saw this book at a thrift store yesterday
Maybe I should have purchased it.

Gosh darn it
I missed the episode to watch Rosemary's Baby.
Now that I've kept you up to date with my life, was it really that much of a disposable episode?

By pissing on his Donkey Kong machine.

I can only hope…
that my family loves me enough to immortalize me with hot sauce.

Intervention, My Body is a Cage, and Haiti are my favourites.
But the Arcade Fire is a band that, in my eyes, can do no wrong.

Hurray for Randian prog-rock!

See also: Crash?

In my stupid opinion, Up in the Air was probably the best movie. Anna Kendrick really deserves the Oscar too.

I really hate her. I haven't seen Blindside, and I don't plan to, simply because of Sandra Bullock.

Return to form- this season's shaping up to be, like, Chappelle's Show season 2 or the Simpsons season 5 or Arrested Development season 2- or a similar level of awesome.
Or maybe I'm overstating things. But I'm really digging it.

I'm pretty sure the Chinese zodiac calendar has 2012 as the year of the leaping, croaking girl-thing.

Let's calm down a second there, anonymous internet man.

My bad

As a religious man…
I find this movie's blasphemous premise extremely hilarious.

As a religious man…
I find this movie's blasphemous premise extremely hilarious.

The laugh track in this show doesn't bother me because it's not overpowering, and there's little lingering for the audience's reaction. It feels obligatory due to the traditional 3 camera set-up.

He did Wendy the waitress. Hot, but not 'bartender' hot.