
The best video I've seen M. Night Shyamalan in. EVER.

On the Blue Album we have them talking about how much geek cred they have in their garage.

This is my 100th Post
I really don't care what Weezer does with their lives anymore…

I don't think he's particularly happy with either of them

You Thanked Hitler!

Sotto Sotto is this amazing italian restaurant I went to a couple of years ago in Toronto.
Delicious but expensive.

Keep on trolling my friend, I love your work.
It's so insightful and groundbreaking.

@4chan: …and yet you addressed a post to me. Seems a gap in logic, don't ya think?

JS is a drumming machine. I saw him at this venue in my childhood town that was first turned into an OTB, then a middling steakhouse. I miss The Vanderbilt.

Yeah. For instance, I'm walking along, and I see this beautiful girl, and I think I'd like to see her naked, and so all her clothes fall off.

@The REAL Anna Kendrick: Well Done.

We got em dirk, we got em.

Now you see kids, THIS is why you register on AVClub…

The first half of Hot Fuzz is a steady string of setups that ALL PAY OFF by the end of the movie.
People who don't like the film may have been thrown off by this fact and needed to give the movie a fair chance before writing it off early into the movie.
Or maybe they have no soul. Not sure which.

Elegant Victorian Lady FTW

When you're a spy, you have to remem-

Xenu is upset? That's a first…

It's Tammy!

Hoo Ju wa-me kill?

I was going to post that exact comment!