
True Blood's ever-varying quality level aside,

Make it Happen.

…and you chose this article to post your question on for what reason?

It's more like Scrabble with Mott The Hoople.

Ah, Tenchi Muyo and your endless supply of plot reboots/re-imaginings.

Get the fuck out of here! NOW!
Or you'll do what, exactly? Hit me with that ffffffish?

Ultra violence be running through my head
Cold Medina, y'all making me see red
Rapid fire Louie like Rambo got bullets
I'm a gonna die harder like my kid Bruce Willis

Don't touch my van!

Expert trolling, sir.

Yo, don't knock Bobby Digital in Stereo. There are some choice tracks on there:
Mantis, NowYC Everything, My Lovin is digi, Domestic Violence (other than the extended fight at the end…), etc.


I could be wrong, but I think possibly that remebering that first interect and retintegrating it into the functioning of intersect 2.0 allowed for him to cut down on some of the brain pain/signal noise that was plaguing him all season-finale.

No, I don't think we'll be telling them that.

Wrong, I say!

You're doin' wrong!

Why can't it be both?

The new series is supposed to premiere around halloween time 2010.

I thought I read/saw him say that he had 5 seasons of material in mind. Anyone else want to weigh in here?

The George Clooney cameo was hilarious. That whole music video had me dying of laughter. Goddamn, Aaron McGruder knows how to make perfect parodies…

Book Publisher: "Nobody is ever going to publish your memoirs."
Towelie: "Huh?! Why not?!"
BP: "Well just the small trivial fact that people are interested in autobiographies of TOWELS."
Towelie: "Well yeah but maybe people will read my memoirs and like..apply its lessons to their own lives."
BP: "No. They won't. Because