
I missed that.

Nerditron 2.0 = YES!

Was the pharoh thing somehow a reference to Steve Martin's old 'King Tut' bit? There isn't much evidence to support that theory, but that was the first thing that popped in my head…

Breaking Bad doesn't half-ass ANYTHING. Inferior shows might try to shoehorn in action sequences into transitional/setup episode to keep the audience interested (24 is a prime example of this). Breaking Bad chooses to stand on the strength of its characters and lets things play out as organically as possible. Some

Your comment was pretty much the first time that I considered even clicking in a rating. Not because I'm against it; it just never even crossed my mind to do it…

I'm going to have to agree with a previous poster and say that AVClub comment boards are consistently the funniest and most insightful ones I've found on the internet. I can't believe I used to browse through the pages on imdb…

Super Hanz: Spent a long weekend staring into the mirror.
Mark: Doing a bit of soulsearching?
Super Hanz: …Cocaine, Mark.

How do you "support" a klepto habit? She just goes into a store and swipes something. How could walt even do anything about that?

Check out next week's sneak peak. LITERALLY all of your questions will be answered.

Think of my voice as a fist
Think of you trying to stay awake as the face
Think of that fist punching that face, right in the face
over and over and over…

I'm getting to irrelevant for this shit…

Bakula isn't a 'who knew' if you've seen Quantum Leap.

Guys, based on the construction of the scene and he was clearly talking about Sawyer. Sawyer was in the scene like a second before he says that. And he was wearing pretty much the same get up as last season finale's Jacob.

@mrs. izzard


Why would The Ring-ers be suprised that Super-Shaw is alive if the female general was a part of the ring? They would already know that…

Batman's pretty much asexual.

Fuck the biters
If this show looks anything like the comic and maintains AMC's run of awesome drama (Mad Men, Breaking Bad), this will be aaaawesome.

Chalmers: Good Lord, what is happening in there?
Skinner: Aurora Borealis?
Chalmers: Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? A this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
Skinner: Yes.
Chalmers: May I see it?
Skinner: Oh, erm… No.

He was the craziest/best part of that show.