
Yeah, count me amongst those who are really not enjoying this new format. The impending Top 20 onwards is starting to feel like it's likely to be a trainwreck. And since, even more than ever before, it's not like we're gonna give a damn what the judges are saying, the actual dancing needs to kill it. Feeling like this

Yeah, this is mostly, to quote Grandma Breeland, Gobbledegook, but I just wanted to chime in, as someone who worked on two seasons of this show (which, by the way Carrie, this is a lovely review that definitely gave me some feelings), you could NOT be more wrong about Rachel Bilson. She's an absolutely lovely person,

That's some Freudian slip there, huh…

Yeah, the ghosts being madness became writing on the wall early on this week, even if Henry trying to finger Catherine into the afterlife did make a solid argument for it being his ghost after all.

OK, this has really been bugging me continuity wise, and I think LaToya's questions about Liam make it relevant here: How the hell is Liam on the Benefactor's list if he was still a human when that list first originated? Liam arrived, human, at the same time as the Orphans and that random hunk was getting taken out by

Isn't called Eh?-me of Thrones?

Just went back and I did misread the window part, so my apologies on that one. I don't think I blamed Bash anywhere, I don't think he is at fault in anyway, and actually like he and Kenna together a lot. And I'd like to think that I'm understanding and reasonable (I do just like to have active discussions about this

So saying I've "had to defend her" is ridiculous, when you just stated that people post negative things about her, things to which I have responded with positive things to say about the character. Pretty sure that's the definition of "defense". I mean, sure, defense implies a perspective, but we're all dealing in

I thought this was a pretty dang good episode, with most plotlines firing on all cylinders. Mary commandeering those Scots was the kind of Mary moment I've been waiting for all season. Catherine letting her hair down and getting some Scottish strange was equally great. I'm hoping Kenna and Bash's plotline will mean


YES! Although everything about Francis in that scene was weird, right down to even seeing Francis in some sort of sexual context (I know he and Lola went to Ye Olde Bone Zone last episode but what happens in that weird casino stays in that weird casino), because Francis is so dainty and elfin that I imagine his sex

You know, when they do things like have Cemetery Fist Fights, I think that Bash and Francis could, with work, be interesting characters. But as love interests, they have all the charisma of soggy bread.

Hey CW, how many things do I have to Bing from my Windows Surface Tablet before you make "Mary, Vampire Queen of Scots" real? Think of the TVD/Originals crossover potential. You could even do one of those old WB-style promos where all the characters are hanging out together at a bar, dancing to "Oh What A Night"

People who are tired of dealing with ChumHum's bullshit

As a proud stan of Rachael Taylor mostly because of the power of her terrible quips on the Charlie's Angels reboot (she elevated terrible quipping to an artform), I can say you are not the only one who likes her. But even she couldn't elevate the dreck the writers were giving her

I'm glad this show existed for 13 episodes at least, because now I will forever get to say that I've seen Whoopi Goldberg magically turn in to a flock of pigeons. That will never be forgotten.

Well I can tell you who the top 5 are gonna be, because they showed them pretty damn clearly in the season opening video package on the farm with Paula Deen (unless it's another "You five were miserable, so we're dragging out your potential elimination by going to a farm" sort of thing.) So, LIKELY SPOILERS: we're in

OK, important poll: In a Codename:Dutchess-off, who wins, Selina Meyer or Sterling Archer?

I'll be sad to see Lost Girl regular coverage go bc, even if I don't agree with your opinions for the most part (Still cannot wrap my head around Midnight Lamp getting a C), I'm still glad to see people discussing this show. Also, just fyi, its Tamsin, not Tasmin.

I've seen the whole first season and it is… not all that good. Plus, POTENTIAL SPOILERY SORT OF STUFF ALERT, it becomes really hard to take Rachel Nichols seriously at a certain point as you begin to realize, on top of Rachel Nichols the person being a really terrible actress (No weak links? Really? Although I guess