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    Since we're talking about avant-garde music on a Beach Boys album review, I'd just like to add Steve Coleman. And all the AACM guys, too. Steve Lehman's doing microtonal spectral stuff, and, somewhat coincidentally, I was reminded of Smile or Pet Sounds Beach Boys when I heard some clips off of his album Travail,

    Since we're talking about avant-garde music on a Beach Boys album review, I'd just like to add Steve Coleman. And all the AACM guys, too. Steve Lehman's doing microtonal spectral stuff, and, somewhat coincidentally, I was reminded of Smile or Pet Sounds Beach Boys when I heard some clips off of his album Travail,

    I don't comment here, but I read every week, and I'd love to see this continue to at least "My Screw Up" and hopefully beyond.

    So, I've noticed you coming onto the Scrubs reviews pretty frequently to shit on the show. Before this weekend it was my main impression of you. I figured you were just trolling. Then on Saturday I clicked on the My Little Pony review and I found this comment, by you:

    For the record, words^3, I read through and enjoyed what you had to say.

    Fungus- I mean, I've heard all that stuff before, and it seems valid enough to me. A thing, though:

    It's true that artists getting credit for their work is a new thing, but does that make it necessarily a bad thing? In the past, for various reasons, it was difficult for artists to get credit because of the difficulty to even transmit art before the printing press and various other recording equipment. Now it is not.

    Placeholder, not compensating artists for their creations may not be "stealing" in the conventional sense, but it is certainly harmful. As stated above, it devalues their work.