21st Century Peon

"This ain't Aruba, fish."

What a pleasure it is to meet the womb that spawned Arthur!

I'm tempted to create a new account, just to upvote this twice.

"Have you tried turning her off and on again?"

Never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

That, or nuke her from orbit.

It only gets the bronze in my book, I'm afraid. Silver goes to:
Rachel on the phone, having been told she got the job: "Oh! You're kidding! I love you!"
Chandler, to nobody in particular: "Sure - everyone loves a kidder."
And for the gold:
"What do you know? You're a door - you only like knock-knock jokes."

Actually, it's "Ms". Now I get to live in your apartment.

It's a fucking show dog, with fucking papers. You can't board it. It gets nervous, its hair falls out. Fucking dog has fucking papers OVER THE LINE!

I only recognise one of the robots - the big 'un straddling the page divide was from "Tarnished Angel" that was built to order for El Hombre to fight. What others have I missed?

Not much meat on her, but what's there is cherce.

So long, Frank Lloyd Wright.
So thick, too.

"Who cases if it's better than 11 per cent?"
Here's hoping that in the sequel, they take the responses to the feed line up to Pinky And The Brain-levels of specificity.

Between "was" and "in", you omitted "utterly adorable".
"I take no responsibility - I was an innocent bystander - but there as this one time, you guys, you missed each other by like, three minutes. It was so exciting!"

Supersman, like courts-martial.

Nobody could steel themselves to resist the puns you've all wrought.

Season three will end with him shouting, "We have to go back!"

Except that at least 5minutes of every episode should be devoted to scenes of them flexing their jaws, chewing gum and wiggling their fingers in their ears to repressurise their inner ears after landing. I will accept, however, an expository scene wherein Fitz says nothing but "What? Speak up!" the whole way through.

@avclub-85c90b1fe3994b083de4f801af0d4645:disqus He's gay, they're in San Francisco in the eighties - he clearly asked to ride the guy's chopper, and exploited the double-meaning, just not in the way the chopper pilot was hoping.

*Stands up* No, I am Keyser Size!