
That seems improbable

The Guardian offices in the UK were raided (and computers physically destroyed) in connection to the Edward Snowden leaks, so uh, yeah it could happen.

Hey now, let's not get so wrapped up in our Sorkin-bashing that we start excusing the real-world news entities responsible for their many idiotic shortcomings. This show might not be perfect, but the major cable news networks are constantly making anything but "reasonable" mistakes.

And also, Will is explicitly throwing himself into the situation by claiming he knows the identity of the leak.

It was written by an anthropologist novelizing his roleplaying campaigns and that definitely shows. I can see why people get lost in the details, or even bored by them, but I loved those books and the sprawling mythology.

That's just fine, Marsters is waiting patiently for the inevitable Dresden Files show and/or movie.

So, 15% score below average, 15% above average, 70% at the average. Depending on how high you consider their "average" to be (on some theoretical scale of quality) that might be a pretty decent breakdown of lost. Some fantastic episodes, some terrible ones, mostly just average world-building and setpiece-moving.

The awkward moment where the guy standing next to you is telling a story that is obviously fabricated poorly from a cliched joke, punch line and all.